Latinos in Monroe County: Key Statistics

CGR was engaged by the Ibero American Action League and La Cumbre to develop this Profile of the Hispanic and Latino community in Monroe County. This report updates previous reports from 2000, 2003 and 2012 and is aimed at providing both big-picture and granular information about how Hispanic and Latino residents of Monroe County are faring on a variety of socioeconomic indicators. Highlights include:

  • A majority of Hispanic residents continue to be of Puerto Rican heritage: 69%.

  • Hispanic and Latino residents had the youngest population in Monroe County, with 73% younger than 45.

  • A majority of Monroe County Hispanic or Latinos spoke a language other than English, though that share declined from 74% in 2000 to 63% in 2012-16.

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ROC the Future Report Card: 2019


ROC the Future Report Card: 2018