Inclusive Recovery

Inclusive recovery refers to the active approach to policy that ensures that all residents, particularly historically excluded populations, share in the benefits and contributions to economic recovery and revitalization. It addresses equity challenges in order to transform and strengthen a community. 

It informs our perspective and the ongoing work at ACT Rochester. 

Federal Recovery Funds Dashboard

In 2024, the Urban Institute shared this short (and excellent!) documentary about Rochester’s use of federal funds after the COVID-19 pandemic for economic recovery while addressing equity challenges. 

The Federal Recovery Funds Dashboard allows us to monitor the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in an effort to avoid the mistakes of New Deal legislation (i.e. Redlining) 

POST HOUSE: Vampire Post
DIRECTOR: Jordan Danelz
PRODUCER: Mark Williams
EDITOR: Aaron Baggett

Recommended Resources

The Urban Institute’s Inclusive Recovery Project offers a number of resources, including research and data that can help inform your own work.