Indicator Category

Community Vitality

Community Vitality refers to markers of resources and opportunities for a community’s residents. Indicators include households with no internet and households with no vehicles. 

Please note that we would welcome the opportunity to include arts- and culture-related indicators in the future, as we think they are a key component towards increased understanding of our region’s vitality. If you have access to any such indicators and would be interested in partnering with ACT Rochester, please contact us at

In addition to indicators here, be sure to read our Brain Food posts tagged with ‘community vitality for associated narrative.



Yates County recorded the highest proportion of households without a vehicle among the counties in the 8-county region, standing at 13% in 2022.

The number of households without vehicles in Seneca County increased by 180% since 2010.

There was a 5.88% decline in the total number of households with no access to internet from 2021 to 2022.

Over 100,000 households in our region did not have access to internet in the year 2022.

