“The way we gather matters.”

Priya Parker is a bit of a celebrity for the Rochester Area Community Foundation Community Programs department. In June of 2024, Parker was a featured speaker at the University of Rochester’s Volunteers in Partnership Leadership Conference. Before that, in 2022, RACF Community Programs staff each received the book. Who can argue with more efficient meetings? 

Parker’s book The Art of Gathering is an argument for more intentional, productive gathering. You’ll notice right away that she says “gathering” and not “meetings” - a choice and key part of her philosophy. She defines gathering as “the conscious bringing together of people for a reason” (pg. ix, 2018). Parker published the book in 2018 (pre-COVID), and her points seem even more salient now.

At ACT Rochester, we are constantly having conversations about how we think about things, and how we want people to think about things. The Art of Gathering is similar in that it an argument for how to think about gathering. In the introduction, Parker says “My hope is that this book will help you think differently about your gatherings.” (pg.xiii) 

Also, Parker notes that she has a particular approach when it comes to coming together. Her approach “places people and what happens between them at the center of every coming together… [and I] strive to help people experience a sense of belonging.” (pg.xi) I would remind everyone that the sixth pillar of the RMAPI Unity Agenda is Dignity, Inclusion, and Belonging. Food for thought!

Please consider The Art of Gathering and feel free to bring it up to Community Programs staff, particularly Vice President of Community Programs Erin Budd Barry :-) You’ll make her day. 

Actually, Erin just reminded me that there is a podcast, shorter form offerings, etc. if you’re not in the mood for a full book! Check out her website: www.priyaparker.com

Source: Parker, P. (2018). The Art of Gathering: Create Transformative Meetings, Events and Experiences. Portfolio/Penguin.


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