Brain Food


Statistics and community indicators are a starting point, only one component of the full story. The stories behind the numbers provide important context for our indicators, painting the more complex realities of society.

These discussion topics can help remind you of these larger narratives, shaping the way things are, the way things work, and the way things could be.

Consider this your BRAIN FOOD, nutrition for healthy thought!

Meg Norris Meg Norris

Curated Op-Ed: Gentrification’s Roots in the Post-Industrial City

NextCity’s February 1, 2024, opinion editorial about the roots of gentrification uses the city of San Jose in the Silicon Valley as the setting for a story of business development and incumbent residents. Rochester is mentioned, along with Detroit, as the urban case trajectory to avoid, where economic collapse and population decline have plagued the city. 

The article is a great reference for the sociology of the post-industrial city and provides important historical information. 

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