Brain Food
Statistics and community indicators are a starting point, only one component of the full story. The stories behind the numbers provide important context for our indicators, painting the more complex realities of society.
These discussion topics can help remind you of these larger narratives, shaping the way things are, the way things work, and the way things could be.
Consider this your BRAIN FOOD, nutrition for healthy thought!
Explore Topics
- Achievement Gap
- Arts and Culture
- Banking
- Belonging
- Bill Gates
- Catalyze
- Census
- Common Ground Health
- Communicate
- Community Vitality
- Connect
- Continuous Improvement
- Curate
- Data
- Demographics
- Early Childhood
- Education
- Environmental Justice & Sustainability
- Equity
- Gentrification
- Housing
- Impact
- Inclusion
- Inclusive Recovery
- K-12 Education
- Measurement
- Mental Health
- Poverty
- Public Safety
- Research Design
- Social Capital
- Transportation
- Upward Mobility
- Voter Participation
- Workforce
- Youth
- Zoning
The Pursuit of Improvement
In our last post, we shared a bit about the importance of pilot programs and the value of having an end point to analyze impact. Pilots are one example of using improvement science to find solutions and make changes.
Taking a wider view, pilots are often part of a commonly used approach called the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Cycle. Data is at the heart of every step in this systematic problem-solving model. It is essential for understanding the problem, identifying potential solutions, and determining whether these changes actually lead to improvement.
Learn more about how the PDSA Cycle works and how it can be applied to almost any improvement project and feel free to contact actrochester@racf.org for assistance.