HousING Indicator

Rent Burdened Households

This indicator shows the share of rental housing units with people paying 30% or more of their income in rent, which is considered rent burdened. The data collected represents our 8-county region and its localities.

  • The United States Census Bureau provides data for the total number of rent burdened households in our 8-county region and its localities. The data spans from 2010 to 2022


Nearly 48% of households in the 8-county region were rent burdened in 2022, compared to 50% in 2010.

Monroe County

In 2022, Monroe County had nearly 50% of households that are rent burdened, 53% of which reside in the City of Rochester.


20.9% of Wheatland households are rent burdened in 2022, lowest of any locality in the 8-county region.


The total number of rent burdened households in the Suburbs of the 8-county region has decreased by 4% since 2019.

This infographic shows the percentage of households that pay more than 30% of their income towards rent for our 8-county region and its localities. The data spans from 2010 to 2022.