transportation Indicator

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) refers to the total distance traveled by all vehicles in the area over a specified period, measured in miles. Understanding VMT helps in designing more efficient transportation systems and promoting sustainable mobility solutions.

  • The data is sourced from the United States Department of Transportation. This data consists of vehicle miles traveled per resident and the total miles traveled by vehicles in the New York State and in our region from 2016 to 2022.

27.8 Million Miles

The 8-county region has over 28.7 million total VMT in 2022, a 6.3% decline since 2016 (30 million total VMT).


Monroe County contributes more than half of the total VMT in our region at 15.1 million miles.


Genesee County has the highest VMT per capita at 44.


VMT per capita for our full region (24) is 1.5 times that of New York State (16).

This infographic for “Vehicle Miles Traveled” shows a heat map for VMT per capita across the counties in our region, with a scale from 20 to 50. The visualization provides a timeline of data spanning from 2016 to 2022.