Demographics Indicator


Total Population jump to section

The total change in the number of people living in the 8-county region since 2010. Changes in total population can indicate the overall health and vitality of a community and its ability to attract and retain residents. Population insights can help a region in economic planning, resource allocation, and identifying challenges as well.

Population by Age Jump to Section

The total population of our region, subdivided by age groups. This metric provides crucial insights into the demographic composition of a community, aiding in the development of targeted policies and services tailored to specific age groups.

Population by Race/Ethnicity Jump to Section

The total population of the area’s counties and localities subdivided by race and ethnicities. This metric provides crucial insights into the ethnic composition of a community, aiding in the development of targeted policies and services tailored to specific race/ethnicity.

  • The US Census Bureau’s website provides data on the total population demographic of counties and localities within the 8-county region, New York State and the United States. The data spans from 2010 to 2022.

    We acknowledge that that the racial/ethnic categories may not feel like a direct representation of your racial/ethnic identity and for some may not feel empowering. As these data are from Census and government-based datasets, we are limited to their categories. We hope that collectively we will work toward more expansive and inclusive terminology.

Total Population



Monroe County is the most populated county in the 8-county region with a total population of 757,332 in the year 2022, 27.9% of which is from the City of Rochester (the largest city in the region).

Stable Population over the Past Year

0.76 Million

The overall population in the City of Rochester has remained relatively stable over the past year, with a population of 1.18 million in 2021 to 1.178 million in the 2022.

Ontario County was the fastest growing county in our region with a 2.1% increase in population from 2021 to 2022.

The population in the suburbs of Rochester has experienced a 2% growth over the span of 2012 to 2022.

The infographic for “Total Population” shows a heat map with two tabs, “Counties” and “Localities.” The “Counties” tab has an area map of the counties in our region whereas the “Localities” tab has an icon map for different towns and localities in Rochester. The legend scale is from -13% (Shrinking) to 10% (Growing) and the percent change is compared to the previous year (2022 compared to 2021, 2021 to 2020, etc.).

The total population has been consistently decreasing in all of the counties except Ontario, until in 2022 when Genesee, Monroe, Ontario, and Wayne saw between 1.4% (Wayne) and 2.1% (Ontario) population increases. 

In 2022, the standout localities are Churchville, where population is shrinking by 9.2%, and Scottsville, which is growing at a rate of 8.8%.

Note: Counties outside of Monroe County tend to have lower numbers reflected in Census data, which increases the margin of error. In other words, be wary of dramatic changes.

Population by Age



City of Rochester


Throughout our 8-county region, individuals under the age of 25 constitute 44.1% of the total population, while those aged between 45 and 64 account for 21.5%.

Among the localities in our region, Greece boasts the highest population of individuals aged 85 and above, totaling 1,141 in the year 2022.

The working-class age group of 25 to 64-year-olds in the Rochester suburbs experienced a 3% increase from 2010 to 2022.

In 2022, the City of Rochester boasted the highest population of individuals aged 25 and under, surpassing 61,000 people.

This infographic displays a stacked bar chart for New York State (with and without New York City), the United States, Rochester Suburbs, and the 8 counties. The graph displays the percentage of population divided by age groups.

Each of the geographies represented have at least 2/5 of the population under the age of 25, which is an important reminder to consider our future in the decisions we make.

In 2022, the population breakdown by age appears to be fairly consistent across the counties in our region.

Note: Counties outside of Monroe County tend to have lower numbers reflected in Census data, which increases the margin of error. In other words, be wary of dramatic changes.

This infographic is an icon map equipped with a heat map distribution of population data subdivided by age for all the localities in our region from the year 2010 to 2022. The percent change is compared to the year before (2022 reflects the percent change from 2021, etc.).

Population by Race/Ethnicity


Native American / Alaskan

In 2022, Monroe County boasted the highest proportion of Black individuals, comprising over 14.8% of its population, 70.6% of whom reside in the City of Rochester.

The Asian population in our region has decreased by 20% since 2010.

The Native American/Alaskan population in our region has experienced the highest growth rate among all races/ethnicities since 2010, with an increase of 55.6%.

Yates County boasts the highest proportion of White residents among the counties in our region, standing at 95.8%


Monroe County

The infographic displays a stacked bar chart consisting of New York State (with and without NYC), United States, Rochester Suburbs and all 8 counties. The bars provide a total population in the county and its subdivision by Race/Ethnicity.

This infographic presents a line graph depicting the percentage of population across various localities in the 8-county region, broken down by race/ethnicity. The data covers the period from 2010 to 2022.

This infographic presents a heat map of localities in our region represented by icons showing percent change in population compared to the year before for that Race/Ethnicity. The entire animated timeline is from 2010 to 2022. The Race/Ethnicity is selected using the dropdown menu at the top of the map.