Brain Food
Statistics and community indicators are a starting point, only one component of the full story. The stories behind the numbers provide important context for our indicators, painting the more complex realities of society.
These discussion topics can help remind you of these larger narratives, shaping the way things are, the way things work, and the way things could be.
Consider this your BRAIN FOOD, nutrition for healthy thought!
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Curated Book on Urban Design
A close friend lent me the book Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design by Charles Montgomery after a lengthy policy conversation. He told me I needed to read it; he was right. You should read it, too!
Note that Happy City is not written by social scientists so the objective of the book is not to prove or disprove a hypothesis. I loved and recommend Happy City because it is an exercise in out-of-the-box thinking. It is a catalyst for innovative problem-solving. It provides case studies of cities across the world, told as stories, and patched together for a wholistic and human-centered approach to the complex challenges of urban areas. Happy City highlights the successes of Vancouver, Canada, Bogota, Colombia, Siena, Italy, and Paris, France, and it uses history and exceptional scholarship to make arguments about what makes a city great and how to improve the quality of life for all city residents.
“And what are our needs for happiness?... We need to walk, just as birds need to fly. We need to be around other people. We need beauty. We need contact with nature. And most of all, we need not to be excluded. We need to feel some sort of equality." (pg. 6)
Montgomery introduces concepts like challenged thriving (pg. 37), the relationship between happiness, economists, and urban design, unintended negative consequences of urban sprawl (beyond the damage to the environment!), and on page 111 Montgomery references a relevant psychological study at the University of Rochester.
We spend so much time reading about the challenges of the City of Rochester and perhaps you find yourselves talking about those challenges in your networks. Consider reading Happy City to catalyze more creative thought about what urban transformation could look like.
Consider Happy City for your brain food - it's high quality nutrition for healthy thought!
Source: Montgomery, C. (2013). Happy city: Transforming our lives through urban design. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York.
Federal Home Loan Banks
How’s your banking legislation history? Don’t worry if it’s not worthy of an A+ because Brookings provides a history lesson and accessible description of Federal Home Loan Banks in their August 8th, 2024 commentary: “How to Fix Federal Home Loan Banks.”
Our community has talked a lot about the intended and unintended consequences of the New Deal, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Act of 1932 has a role in that conversation. The good news is that there is a restructuring in progress, Brookings submitted commentary, and we all can get up to speed.
Keep in mind that this is information for policy at the federal level, but we know the effects of federal policy cascades into more local settings like ours!
Opportunity Atlas
The Opportunity Atlas, an incredible resource mapping economic mobility across the US, was updated recently. Consider taking time to click around the atlas - it is a wealth of information (see what I did there?!).
The updated atlas has two modules: county- and metro-level mobility trends and neighborhood-level mobility outcomes. The Opportunity Atlas displays data down to the Census tract level, which is an even smaller unit than neighborhoods. The tool is built for ease of use and tells an incredible story.
If you’re interested in more context and insight, lead researchers behind the Opportunity Atlas participated in a Brookings webinar, available here.
Curated Blog Post: Central New York Community Foundation
Our friends at the Central New York Community Foundation posted a blog on July 11th titled "Lending Tree Study Ranked Syracuse Second in Economic Disparity."
I know what you're thinking - where does Rochester rank? Fortunately, we did not make the bottom five. Unfortunately, we are bottom six.
I encourage you to read the CNY blog post for their insight, and to look at the lending tree study itself (linked directly here). We have more work to do!
Interview with Robert Putnam
A friend of ACT Rochester passed along this interview with Robert Putnam and the associated article from The New York Times. (Thanks, Barb!) The interview talks about Putnam’s famed book Bowling Alone, rampant loneliness, and the social circumstances of our society. Dr. Putnam is a political scientist and social capital expert.
Dr. Putnam is no stranger to our community, as he worked with RACF on a social capital survey in the 1990s. He thinks, talks, and writes a lot about “joining” and its opposite, social isolation. This topic is particularly relevant post-COVID and has many correlations to upward mobility.
Consider this interview and Robert Putnam’s work as our political landscape lights up preparing for November elections.
Curated article: When Neighbors Choose…
Next City published an article on August 6th, 2024 that gives an interesting example of community-led grantmaking. Community members are making decisions about programming, and the money follows. See “When Neighbors Choose How To Spend Philanthropic When Neighbors Choose How To Spend Philanthropic Dollars.”
The story is about the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia, a neighborhood hit hard by the opioid epidemic. This case study is a very interesting example of how neighborhoods can drive their own revitalization, and of a new dynamic with philanthropy.
Food for thought!
“The way we gather matters.”
Priya Parker is a bit of a celebrity for the Rochester Area Community Foundation Community Programs department. In June of 2024, Parker was a featured speaker at the University of Rochester’s Volunteers in Partnership Leadership Conference. Before that, in 2022, RACF Community Programs staff each received the book. Who can argue with more efficient meetings?
Parker’s book The Art of Gathering is an argument for more intentional, productive gathering. You’ll notice right away that she says “gathering” and not “meetings” - a choice and key part of her philosophy. She defines gathering as “the conscious bringing together of people for a reason” (pg. ix, 2018). Parker published the book in 2018 (pre-COVID), and her points seem even more salient now.
At ACT Rochester, we are constantly having conversations about how we think about things, and how we want people to think about things. The Art of Gathering is similar in that it an argument for how to think about gathering. In the introduction, Parker says “My hope is that this book will help you think differently about your gatherings.” (pg.xiii)
Also, Parker notes that she has a particular approach when it comes to coming together. Her approach “places people and what happens between them at the center of every coming together… [and I] strive to help people experience a sense of belonging.” (pg.xi) I would remind everyone that the sixth pillar of the RMAPI Unity Agenda is Dignity, Inclusion, and Belonging. Food for thought!
Please consider The Art of Gathering and feel free to bring it up to Community Programs staff, particularly Vice President of Community Programs Erin Budd Barry :-) You’ll make her day.
Actually, Erin just reminded me that there is a podcast, shorter form offerings, etc. if you’re not in the mood for a full book! Check out her website:
Source: Parker, P. (2018). The Art of Gathering: Create Transformative Meetings, Events and Experiences. Portfolio/Penguin.
2024 Paris Olympics
Is there a better way to CONNECT than as part of Olympics fandom? If we think about ACT Rochester’s 4 Cs - Curate, Communicate, Catalyze, Connect - we could probably tell an Olympics story for each of them. Connect, though, is an important and somewhat underutilized one.
The idea is to connect people to people, people/organizations with data, and people to organizations. This is important because information and resources travels through social networks, and inequities are born from certain networks being excluded.
We are, admittedly, stretching a bit with this Olympics connection but there is an opportunity for authentic connection. The Olympics provide an easy common denominator - a platform to connect with people and sports that we would otherwise not gravitate toward.
And honestly, we wanted to highlight the Olympics because witnessing excellence, sportsmanship, and competition is such a special experience. Most of the time we give brainfood here, and the Olympics has been such good heart-food!
Rochester Beacon ‘Community’ article
On Wednesday, July 31st, Managing Editor Smriti Jacob of Rochester Beacon posted an article about ACT Rochester, titled “ACT Rochester puts data, rigorous research at the forefront”. It provides insight into ACT Rochester strategy and vision, as well as a personal touch from our conversation.
This is my favorite quote from the article: “I made so many decisions about where I went to undergrad and what I wanted to do based on growing up here, that I came back and I felt I had I had taken what I was given from here and tried to grow it and build on it, and now was in a position to come back and give some of it back.”
Thank you, Smriti and Rochester Beacon, for your interest in and support of ACT Rochester!
Curated Article: Women and Labor Market Recovery
On July 26, Brookings published a research study on the role of “prime-age women” in labor market recovery. Prime-age is defined as women within the age of 25 and 54, and the idea is that women in this age range have increasingly participated in the labor force. Fair warning that the study is very data-heavy, with several charts and interactive graphics, but the overall point is that women are participating in the labor force at high rates.
The study also highlights that female participation in the labor force varies by racial/ethnic group, educational attainment, marital status, and disability status. The study also highlights variation in labor force participation for mothers of school-age children - there was an uptick immediately after the COVID lockdown, and that trend has leveled out.
We know that COVID had a profound influence on labor force participation patterns, so it is important to pay attention to how patterns continue. Keep in mind that the article is about national trends, but still relevant to the conversations we are having in our community about the need for child care and potential impacts of employment policies on families.
Consider these national trends when we think about employment opportunities in our region, target audiences for career pipelines, and our ongoing upward mobility efforts.
Curated Podcast: Working together to create affordable housing that lasts
On July 11th, the Next City Podcast shared a case study from Richmond, Virginia that offers a possible permanent affordable housing solution that is worth considering for our community. The Maggie Walker Community Land Trust (MWCLT) is a unique non-profit that is both a land bank and a community land trust. This means that, as a land bank, MWCLT can acquire land for little to no cost from the city, and as a community land trust, the organization can develop that land and sell the home at a low cost, while keeping the land itself in their name. This creates affordable housing in Richmond that is permanent; homeowners who buy from MWCLT can keep the home for generations, or sell it, but they must sell it at a capped price to an income-eligible buyer.
The dual role of MWCLT is especially beneficial as it limits competition between the public and private sectors. This case study emphasizes the power that collaboration can have in generating solutions, a lesson that is close to my heart. I have the privilege of working with three initiatives at the Community Foundation, one being Rochester ENergy Efficiency and Weatherization (RENEW). RENEW is another example of a unique effort to address access to housing; we work with numerous community partners in our region to braid resources to administer home repair and weatherization grants, with the mission of making homes more energy efficient, healthier, and safer. (If you’re interested in learning more about RENEW, there is a case study about the initiative in our Inclusive Recovery dashboard that I’d recommend checking out).
What working with RENEW has emphasized to me, and what this example from Richmond only further demonstrates, is that collaboration between various partners across the community sparks creative solutions to important issues, including in the field of housing. This podcast is a quick, interesting episode, and I invite you to give it a listen, to learn more about the history of the MWCLT and to revel in their recent successes!
Contributed by Madison Esposito, Program Administrator for RACF Initiatives and University of Rochester graduate.
Curated article: Brookings takes a holistic look at SNAP benefits
On June 20th, Brookings published an article discussing the many benefits of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), beyond alleviating hunger for families in the United States. With helpful, interactive graphics and concise data, these authors offer an overview of what SNAP is and who might be eligible for the program, while also exploring the layered benefits of a program that is largely independent of household makeup and demographics.
SNAP makes it possible for households to free up other funds for basic needs beyond hunger. Though the funds from SNAP can only be spent on specific items, not having to spend personal funds on those items creates space for families to handle other large, often unexpected expenses, like car repairs or urgent care visits. It provides room to practice balancing a budget and avoid future debts, which is critically important to maintaining financial stability.
At its core, this article reminds us to look at the holistic picture of economic mobility and stability, and the branching effects that stem from the allowance of flexibility. It is an interesting, short read that communicates data around SNAP in clear context to offer an expanded perspective about the importance of the program. I’d encourage you to give it a read, then explore our indicator about SNAP under “Demographics.” Take note what trends you find interesting across time and see how they may—or may not!—connect with the ideas presented by the team at Brookings.
Contributed by Madison Esposito, Program Administrator for RACF Initiatives and University of Rochester graduate.
Birthday Wish
Meg here, and it’s my birthday today. I have had so many conversations with friends across our 8-county region since the June 4th event and I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all of the support and for the genuine engagement in becoming advanced data users and storytellers.
I’d like to make a birthday wish: I wish for continuous improvement. Avoid the overwhelm and choose one thing at a time to tackle. So, I encourage everyone to try to step away from being so overwhelmed by current events and to think of one thing that you can tackle that will bring joy, and do it. I promise I will do the same and I’m convinced that an influx in joy will radiate goodness.
Thank you for indulging me a public birthday wish :-) Happy summer!
Curated Article: Promoting a Culture of Caring in Education
In the summer 2024 edition of the Stanford Social Innovation Review, there is an article that uses many of the buzz words and phrases that our community has oft discussed lately: systems change, mental health crisis, change organization, and social connectedness. The article, found here, is a comprehensive look at efforts to improve mental health for school-age youth.
With the 2024 Olympics in Paris coming up and athletes like Simone Biles and Michael Phelps working to reduce the stigma around mental health, there is momentum toward positive change. What can you learn? What role can you play?
Funding POC Arts
Today, July 9th, 2024, Next City and Hester Street published a podcast about the consequences of not funding arts programs, particularly arts programs operated by people of color and in non-white communities. The podcast (included if you scroll down to the end of the short introductory article) is an important conversation - I encourage you to pay attention particular from 10 minutes to 12 minutes and then a conversation about data and metrics around the arts at the 21st minute.
The importance of funding the arts is well-known and recognized here at Rochester Area Community Foundation - see the work RACF does in Arts and Culture here.
Additionally, the Center for an Urban Future published a report about how the arts catalyze economic vitality - find information and the report here.
Curated Report: The Children’s Agenda Rochester City Budget Highlights
Local advocacy organization The Children’s Agenda released a report highlighting the Rochester City’s Budget allocations, with a particular emphasis on how the budget affects children.
The report calls out policy efforts in the areas of poverty, support for the public library system, youth development and mental health, and youth violence prevention.
The report is very well-organized, providing readers a summary of budgeted items by category as well as commendations and recommendations. PLEASE READ!
Podcast: How to be productive without burning out
In February of 2024 there was an episode of Organizational Psychologist Adam Grant’s podcast ReThinking (based on his book Think Again, which I *highly* recommend) about the challenge in measuring productivity. The episode is titled “How to be productive without burning out” and is in conversation with Cal Newport. Please give it a listen!
The entertaining conversation of two adept sparring partners is about measuring productivity in jobs that have hard-to-measure outputs. They reference the knowledge and service industries as case studies for the productivity dilemma, but I urge you to also think of the non-profit and social sector as you listen. The strategic question posed to me most often is: how do I measure the impact of _____ ? How can we count, measure, assess our work so that we can then determine whether it was “good”? These are really tough questions and this podcast was catalytic in my own thinking, which I now offer to the ACT audience.
I hope you enjoy this listen as much as I did! How can we integrate Slow Productivity into our operating systems?
Brookings blog on measuring economic need
As staff at RMAPI will be quick to remind us, the federal poverty line is a limited measure of poverty. The measure is far too low. I often think of the scene from The West Wing (click here for a refresher) about the federal poverty line formula.
On June 20th, Brookings published a blog post about measuring economic need, arguing for a calculation of a basket of basic necessities to highlight budget shortfalls. From this vantage point, the Economic Policy Institute at Brookings assembled family budgets, a variety of charts and figures, and an explanation of economic realities for too many families in the US.
This community talks about poverty a lot, let’s make sure we know what poverty actually means.
Curated Article: Rochester Beacon’s take on “Momentum toward 2034”
On June 6th, the Rochester Beacon published an article about Rochester’s comprehensive plan, which is “concerned with planning and designing for people, not cars.”
The article includes user-friendly graphics, a summary of progress, a description of the placemaking theme, and how community engagement plays into this work. As informed citizens, we should have an idea of the ideas and components of these kinds of plans, and this article provides a very approachable outline, with context.
ACT Rochester also participates in the Transportation Impact Collective, a collaborative effort to add intention and momentum to this work.
Curated Post: Next City Covers Rochester as featured case about banking efforts
On June 3rd, 2024, nonprofit resource Next City posted a story titled “Why a Rochester Credit Union Wants the Local Government to Create Its Own Bank” as a case study for lenders meeting residents’ and small business owners’ needs. The Genesee Co-op Federal Credit Union is featured as part of a push to create a Bank of Rochester, a “public bank” intended to hold only government deposits and partner with local private lenders.
The article outlines how the idea of a public bank would work and makes the argument for the potential of such a program. This idea is also a spark for thinking about alternative lending, alternative banking options.
As we learned in Dr. Matthew Desmond’s Poverty, by America, the banking industry is a particularly institutionalized impediment for upward mobility. Consider this alternative, or come up with your own ideas, as you engage in conversations about banking equity, and the potential of this community to encourage home ownership, small business development, and our general upward mobility efforts.